exploring scala macros: map to case class conversion

» 04 Nov 2013

Recently I had a go at writing some Scala macros. Scala macros are essentially an advanced version of the traditional C #defines. To someone like me who hasn’t had too much experience with C, its macros feel like a sophisticated find-and-replace tool that gets run before each compile. On the other hand, Scala macros can bring about benefits such as automatic code generation (via implicits), static type safety within strings (when interpolating), and even allow for the creation very fluent DSL interfaces.

My best understanding of Scala macros was the code generation aspect of it, so I decided to tackle a problem that has probably plagued every budding developer who’s tried to roll their own ORM in a statically typed language: persisting a case class to the database and reading it back without using reflection.

The crux of the problem is always the conversion between a type-safe case class and the database layer. In more mainstream languages like Java, there is simply no way to automatically call some function for each field based on its type without using reflection. With macros, however, the code to do this can be generated at compile time.

The Problem

Let’s reduce the problem to a very specific one: taking any arbitrary case class and producing converter functions to and from a Map[String, Any] where the keys are the names of the case class’s constructor parameters pointing to their respective values.

[Note: many of the problems I faced while writing this macro were solved by looking at this implementation on StackOverflow, hence the similarity.]

To take advantage of implicit macros (we’ll get back to them later), we’ll use a type class to provide the conversion:

trait Mappable[T] {
  def toMap(t: T): Map[String, Any]
  def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]): T

Any implementation of the Mappable[T] trait can now be used to convert a type T to and from a map. For example, we can define one manually:

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

val PersonMapper = new Mappable[Person] {
  def toMap(p: Person) = Map(
    "name" -> p.name,
    "age" -> p.age)
  def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]) = Person(

There’s a big problem with defining the mapper explicitly though: any time the case class changes the mapper must also be updated accordingly. Take, for example, the case of adding a new parameter to the Person case class:

case class Person(name: String, age: Int, height: Double)

val PersonMapper = new Mappable[Person] {
  // toMap: compiles even though it's incorrect
  def toMap(p: Person) = Map(
    "name" -> p.name,
    "age" -> p.age)

  // fromMap: fails to compile (as it should)
  def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]) = Person(

When only the case class has changed, the compiler can catch the error in the fromMap method because it’s one parameter short, but the compiler can’t catch the semantic error in the toMap method missing the new height parameter.

Using Macros

The reason for this is that explicitly defining the mapper leads to code that’s not very DRY. It introduces multiple points in the code that have to change in order for some changes to be semantically correct. Ideally, the mapper should be able to figure out what fields are needed by looking directly at the class it’s defined for rather than having each field explicitly listed in its methods.

It turns out that macros let you do this really easily. Let’s start by defining a barebones macro in the companion object of the Mappable trait:

[Note: you can clone this template repo to follow along. With the 2.11.0-M5 compiler, macros must be compiled separately from the code that uses them. With this template, the macro subproject can be used for this purpose.]

import scala.reflect.macros.Context
object Mappable {
  implicit def materializeMappable[T]: Mappable[T] =
    macro materializeMappableImpl[T]

  def materializeMappableImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[Mappable[T]] = {
    import c.universe._
    val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]

    c.Expr[Mappable[T]] { q"""
      new Mappable[$tpe] {
        def toMap(t: $tpe) = ???
        def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]) = ???
    """ }

Even to a seasoned Scala user, if you’ve never used macros before this probably looks like gobbledegook! Dependent types, quasiquotes, even a context bound thrown into the mix. Behind all the flashiness, however, it’s actually fairly straightforward. Let’s go through this one part at a time.

Implicit Function to Trigger Macro

We start off with the implicit method that triggers the macro:

implicit def materializeMappable[T]: Mappable[T] =
  macro materializeMappableImpl[T]

It’s easy to see that this method returns a Mappable corresponding to whatever type is passed when the function is called. This method doesn’t have an implementation; the macro keyword instructs the compiler to expand the corresponding macro implementation instead, in this case, materializeMappableImpl.

The reason we make this method implicit is that this allows the compiler to automatically create mappers for types as required (the aforementioned implicit macros). Without it, one would need to explicitly create a mapper before using it:

def personToMap(p: Person) = {
  val mapper = materializeMappable[Person]

By marking the method implicit, we give the compiler the opportunity to automatically insert this method call whenever an implicit parameter of type Mapper[T] is required. For example,

// the compiler will insert materializeMappable[T] as the implicit parameter
def mapify[T](t: T)(implicit mapper: Mappable[T]) =

We can even use context bounds to not explicitly specify the extra parameter:

def mapify[T: Mappable](t: T) =

In this case, the mapper is implicitly inserted into the function by the compiler. We don’t have a reference to it, but it’s there, so we use the implicitly function to summon it from the nether world.

Macro Boilerplate

Let’s move on to the macro implementation. The structure of the macro function looks at first sight to be some strange incantation:

def materializeMappableImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[Mappable[T]] = {
  import c.universe._
  // _...

Again, however, it’s actually fairly straightforward. Macros work with code, so we manipulate it with abstract syntax trees. The Context variable contains information the compiler would have pertaining to the current invocation of the macro (such as call site, parameters, etc.). This is passed as a parameter to the macro expansion. All the other information about the macro invocation are then passed the same way the original function is written as a dependent type of the current Context: parameters and return types as c.Exprs (essentially typed ASTs according to the docs), and type parameters as c.WeakTypeTags (see this commit for an explanation about why it must be a WeakTypeTag and here for more information about TypeTags in general).

Finally, we import everything inside the universe of the Context to bring all the common utility functions into scope.

Macro Implementation

Now we get into the nuts and bolts of the macro:

val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]

c.Expr[Mappable[T]] { q"""
  new Mappable[$tpe] {
    def toMap(t: $tpe) = ???
    def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]) = ???
""" }

To start things off, we first get the type of the case class we’re creating a mapper for out of the WeakTypeTag. This tpe variable can then be used directly within quasiquotes.

[Note: it looks like WeakTypeTags should also be directly usable within quasiquotes since [they also have a Liftable implementation](http://www.scala-lang.org/files/archive/api/2.11.0-M5/#scala.reflect.api.StandardLiftables) but I couldn't get it to work. I didn't look too closely at it though. densh has pointed out that you need a variable of type WeakTypeTag and not a type of one for this to work.]

Now, quasiquotes. I found this part the most awesome part about writing Scala macros. They’re somewhat of a replacement for the earlier reify/splice style of writing macros. They work just like interpolated strings, but instead of a string you write normal Scala code and instead of splicing string versions of variables with $variable, you splice ASTs. The most obvious distinction between the two is that reify returns an Expr, while quasiquotes return an AST which must then be wrapped into an Expr explicitly.

With that understanding, the rest of this code snippet should be easy to understand. We define an Expr of type Mappable[T] and use quasiquotes to create the AST from normal code. Note the use of the tpe variable inside the quasiquotes in place of T. We use ??? here because we’ve yet to discuss the real implementation of the Mappable instance.

Getting Fields

Our instance of Mapper needs to iterate over the fields of the case class it’s used for. We don’t want all fields though; just the ones used in the constructor are all we want.

There are many ways we can get at that information. Methods have an isCaseAccessor flag that signifies whether they are used to access the parameters in the constructor. We can also look at the primary implementation of the copy function. However, because we’ll eventually need the exact order of parameters in order to implement the fromMap method, we’ll use the primary constructor to get the list of fields we need.

To do this, we’ll inspect the tpe variable describing our case class to get a list of all its declarations. [Note: declarations are members declared directly in this class, while members include inherited ones.] One of these will be the primary constructor, so we use a pattern match with a guard to get it out. Once we have the constructor, we can extract the list of parameters in the order that we need.

This can be translated directly into code:

val declarations = tpe.declarations
val ctor = declarations.collectFirst {
  case m: MethodSymbol if m.isPrimaryConstructor => m
val params = ctor.paramss.head

paramss looks like a typo, but in fact it’s a list of lists (of parameters), hence the double ‘s’. There’s only ever one primary constructor, so in our case we’re fine taking the head of that list, but methods in general can be overloaded to take different parameter lists which is why it’s there.

Writing toMap

Now that we have the fields, let’s write the toMap method. Let’s refresh ourselves with what this method should look like by taking a look at the manual implementation from earlier:

def toMap(p: Person) = Map(
  "name" -> p.name,
  "age" -> p.age)

The implementation is just one statement! It’s just a call to Map.apply with “stuff” in it. Let’s break down what that “stuff” includes:

  1. the name of the field as a String
  2. a call to the -> method to create the tuple
  3. a member access to the underlying field

What we need, then, is an AST that represents this. What better way to generate that AST than to use quasiquotes?

val toMapParams = fields.map { field =>
  val name = field.name
  val mapKey: String = name.decoded
  q"$mapKey -> t.$name"

That’s all we need! The mapKey variable is annotated with its type String to illustrate the fact that Strings have a built-in Liftable implementation that allows quasiquotes to convert it into the appropriate AST without us doing so explicitly (the AST would be Literal(Constant(mapKey))).

There are probably two more things in here that stand out: what does it mean to decode the name? And what’s this t variable that hasn’t been defined anywhere? (Or has it…?)

According to the docs, decoding the name “replaces all occurrences of $op_names in this name by corresponding operator symbols”. We want this because in the case a parameter has a name like content-type, we want the map to have the key content-type and not content$minustype.

The t variable is a bit more tricky. We must remember that all we’re constructing here is an AST. It is merely some small portion of code. With no context, this t variable makes no sense, but if we put it in some context where some variable t is defined, then it does make sense. If you look back at the original definition of the toMap method we used in the macro, you’ll see that the name of the variable passed into the toMap method is, in fact, named t. This is the t that we’re referring to.

Combining all this together, we can advance our macro implementation to include the toMap method:

c.Expr[Mappable[T]] { q"""
  new Mappable[$tpe] {
    def toMap(t: $tpe) = Map(..$toMapParams)
    def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]) = ???
""" }

The toMap method is implemented as described before. The t variable now has sufficient context to give the code meaning. We use ..$toMapParams to indicate that we are passing a List[T]. There is a ... variant for List[List[T]] (e.g., parameter lists for methods) which are shown on the quasiquotes doc page, but I haven’t had a chance to try them out.

If you want, you can comment out the fromMap method from the Mappable trait and the macro implementation to give toMap a try:

def mapify[T: Mappable](t: T) =

case class Item(name: String, price: Double)
val map = mapify(Item("lunch", 15.5))
println(map("name")) // "lunch"
println(map("price")) // 15.5

Cool, huh?

Writing fromMap

The fromMap method can be written in an analogous way. Let’s take a look at what we need:

def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]) = Person(

There are two things we need here that we didn’t need for the implementation of toMap: the companion object for the apply method, and the type of each parameter for the cast. We can get both from the tpe variable:

val companion = tpe.typeSymbol.companionSymbol
def returnType(name: Name) = tpe.declaration(name).typeSignature

Using these and the same list of fields we had from the toMap implementation, we can generate the fromMap implementation:

val fromMapParams = fields.map { field =>
  val name = field.name
  val decoded = name.decoded
  val returnType = tpe.declaration(name).typeSignature

c.Expr[Mappable[T]] { q"""
  new Mappable[$tpe] {
    def toMap(t: $tpe) = Map(..$toMapParams)
    def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]) = $companion(..$fromMapParams)
""" }

Remember that decoded is a String that gets lifted into an AST by the quasiquotes. map will be the name of the variable that gets passed to the fromMap method. The factory for the case class is the apply method of the companion object, which we can call by doing a function application directly on the companion object’s symbol, just like in standard Scala.

It’s important to note that the order of the parameters that get fed into the apply method is important. This is why in the beginning we chose to retrieve the list of parameters from the primary constructor. By doing so, we’ve guaranteed ourselves that the order will indeed be correct.

And that’s it! You can try it out like this:

def materialize[T: Mappable](map: Map[String, Any]) =

case class Item(name: String, price: Double)
val item = materialize[Item](Map("name" -> "dinner", "price" -> 25.8))
println(item.name) // "dinner"
println(item.price) // 25.8

Wrapping It Up

This is the complete implementation of the macro. You can also find it in the complete-example branch of my macro template repo. I’ve taken the liberty to simplify the code where possible to make it short and concise.

import scala.reflect.macros.Context

trait Mappable[T] {
  def toMap(t: T): Map[String, Any]
  def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]): T

object Mappable {
  implicit def materializeMappable[T]: Mappable[T] =
    macro materializeMappableImpl[T]

  def materializeMappableImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[Mappable[T]] = {
    import c.universe._
    val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]
    val companion = tpe.typeSymbol.companionSymbol

    val fields = tpe.declarations.collectFirst {
      case m: MethodSymbol if m.isPrimaryConstructor  m

    val (toMapParams, fromMapParams) = fields.map { field 
      val name = field.name
      val decoded = name.decoded
      val returnType = tpe.declaration(name).typeSignature

      (q"$decoded → t.$name", q"map($decoded).asInstanceOf[$returnType]")

    c.Expr[Mappable[T]] { q"""
      new Mappable[$tpe] {
        def toMap(t: $tpe): Map[String, Any] = Map(..$toMapParams)
        def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]): $tpe = $companion(..$fromMapParams)
    """ }

I hope this introduction to Scala macros has been helpful. I’m no expert in them and most of what I’ve done here was the result of scouring the Scala docs and a lot of googling. Comments and suggestions are most welcome!